About me


My name is Niklas Götz and I am a PhD candidate in Theoretical Physics at the Frankfurt Institute for Advance Studies (FIAS) in the group of Prof. Hannah Elfner. Previously, I finished my Masters in High Energy Physics at ETH, Zürich and École Polytechnique, Paris.

I am passionate for theoretical nuclear physics, machine learning and data science. On this website, you can learn more about my work!



During the last few years, I had the chance to work with several inspiring scholars on fascinating research topics, centered around challenging simulations of fundamental physical processes. Here I will outline my previous projects and current interests. I will also provide plain language summaries of my publications.



As my research is very code heavy, I have ben involved in multiple open source software project. Here I present some of the projects I was involved in and share links where you can download the code to use it for your own projects.



Here I present my outreach activities over the last years and also give recommendations on good reads about physics for the general public.



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